Najnowsze innowacje w kategorii trawników, ogrodów i kontroli szkodników były prezentowane na targach Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2024 w Las Vegas, Nevada. Mosqitter – The Grand Mosqitter to linia produktów do zwalczania szkodników, która oferuje oryginalny model w pełnym rozmiarze. Używając kombinacji światła, ciepła i własnej mieszanki feromonów, aby naśladować nasz zapach, Mosqitter jest w…
Urządzenie na komary Mosqitter zostało wyróżniony przez CES 2022 EDITORS’ CHOICE AWARDS na targach Reviewed i TechCrunch
2022-02-10T12:15:48+00:00 in NagrodyNagroda dla urządzenia na komary CES 2022 EDITORS’ CHOICE AWARDS na targach Reviewed i TechCrunch.
At the 2021 SelectUSA Investment Summit, held virtually from June 7-11, SelectUSA Tech startups from around the world competed across 13 pitching sessions. Four regional pitching sessions allowed winners of in-market pitching events held earlier in 2021 to compete against other winners from their region; meanwhile, over 200 companies applied for a spot in one…
CRDF Global Supports Innovative and Female-Led Entrepreneurship in Ukraine
2021-01-11T08:43:00+00:00 in NagrodyCRDF Global’s Technology and Innovation team recently held two entrepreneurship events as part of the ongoing Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Program (STEP) in Ukraine: one, a large startup competition with a diverse group of entrepreneurs, and the other, a female leadership program for startup founders across the region. Both events were adapted into hybrid formats…
The world is slowly becoming more aware of the importance of being environmentally friendly. The UN Sustainable Development Goals – designed as a blueprint for building a better future for people globally by 2030 – provide businesses and communities with a clear roadmap to transforming how they interact with the world around them. This is…
ILuckily, interest in startups and showing off your idea to the world is growing year by year. In 2020, 100 startups applied for the IT Arena Startup Competition, 40 of which will have a chance to pitch their ideas at the Startup stage on October 8-9. The pre-selection process was fierce, but we can finally…